Earth Data

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Increasing World Population (in Billions)

Growing population at such a staggering rate can be seen as the root cause of many problems arising today or threaten to arise in near future. The population is expected to rise by 25% from 7.8 Billion in 2020 to 9.7 Billion in 2050, a rate which is highly unprecedented when compared with survival drivers like arable land, natural resources, etc.

CO2 emissions (K gigatonnes CO2 equivalent/yr)

In the time of crisis, when the world comes at a stop the CO2 emissions goes down (like in 2008 & 2019 Covid), but as soon as things get back to normal, those emissions starts increasing multifold. As we all know, CO2 acts as a greenhouse gas and can absorb & emit infrared radiation. The constant check to keep CO2 emissions at lowest, is one of the major driver in dealing with the climate change.

Per Capita Meat production (Kg/Y)

Production of a single ounce of meat requires significant amount of natural resources and also has to handle the methane gas emission from Cows (20% of total methane gas emission). Reduced per capita meat production, between 2018 & 2020, a decline of about 5.7% was likely because of an outbreak of African swine fever in China that reduced the pork supply.

Ruminant Livestock Numbers (billion individuals)

Never have we seen the world ruminant livestock numbers soaring past 4 billion, which represents much more mass than all human and animals combined. We can agree that although these are important source of protein & livelihood, but they are also a significant contributor to environmental challenges like methane and CO2 emissions, deforestation & water usage.

Global Monthly Mean CH4 (CH4 ppb)

One of the most dangerous GHG, Methane, set new year-to-date records for atmospheric concentration for years 2020 and 2021. Methane traps 86 times more heat in the atmosphere that CO2 and 20% of planet warning can be contributed to Methane. All five of the hottest years on record has happened since 2015, which shows the direct relation between the earth's temperature & GHGs.

Global tree cover loss (MHa/Y)

World lost 1.6 million hectares of undisturbed forest land last year (2020), up 7% of 2019, according to the Global Forest Watch. Losses in the tropics have now increased for two years in a row, driven mostly by forest clearance for agriculture. The EU and UK government are considering using trade deals and regulations to apply pressure on countries such as Brazil (most forest loss in 2019-2020) to curb deforestation.

Energy Consumption (Exajoules/yr)

Fossil fuel energy consumption has decreased since 2019 (COVID-19). However, these declines appear to be transient and projected to rise again from 2021. Conversely, solar and wind power consumption increased by 57% from 2018 to 2021, but it's still 19 times lower than fossil fuel. Although we can see the increasing trend in Solar/Wind energy, the rate of increase for other conventional fossil fuels energy sources is comparatively higher.

Onego Bio

FI Food-Tech
  • €750,000
  • Maija Itkonen
  • Capital Raised: $40,000,000

Onego Bio Ltd. is a biotech food company that has created Bioalbumen, bioidentical animal-free egg protein. Bioalbumen is produced with a precision fermentation process method that creates real egg protein without the need for animals. Their mission is to introduce their animal-free egg protein to the industry and by producing and distributing it with Onego’s reliable and efficient method, achieving large-scale improvements in the food system.

Onego work was started at VTT Technical Research Centre, Helsinki in 2015-2016 when the renowned molecular biologist Dr. Chris Landowski and his team started working with animal-free egg and milk proteins at VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. The work continued until February 2022 when the famous startup entrepreneur and alternative protein specialist Maija Itkonen and Chris Landowski combined their cutting-edge experiences of molecular biology and alternative protein business, and created the spinoff called Onego Bio Ltd.


Problem they solve

  • Egg market prices constantly fluctuating due to avian flu and increased demand for cage-free. Also, the domino effect of war, pandemics, climate change and broken supply chain have accelerated the global food crisis.
  • Food companies have committed to 50% cage free by 2025 and 100% by 2027-28. Mexico and US [Onego’s first markets] will not be able to meet those requirements and hence would need to be highly dependent on Alternative egg solutions.
  • The egg industry’s environmental footprint is a culmination of greenhouse gases and other harmful emissions that occur during every stage of egg production. Affiliated scientists with University of Oviedo obtained a carbon footprint of 2.7kg of CO2 equivalent per dozen eggs.


Why we believe

  • Onego Bio’s team has a great reputation with its CEO Maija Itkonen’s experience and success in her previous startups and its CTO, Christopher Lewandowski, regarded as one of the best and has high respect in the field of Precision fermentation.
  • Best-in-class product with optimum functionality which is very precise and cannot be replicated. High efficiency and purity with a well-known production system Trichoderma reesei.
  • Onego’s process requires 10x less land when using virgin carbon source as feed and has also proved a 90% lower environmental footprint, with potential to 4.2Mn+ tons in carbon reduction over 10 Years.


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